Going beyond traditional childcare. Explore the packages below to discover which mentorship focus will fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

Explore the perfect EmpowerHer Package For Your Family

Embark on a transformative journey as a mentor and guide to a nanny with entrepreneurial aspirations. In this package, you’ll:

Tailored for women leaders ready to empower the next generation.

Entrepreneurial Journey


Take on the role of a mentor, sharing your wealth of experience with a nanny who aspires to make her mark in the entrepreneurial world. 

Collaborate on skill development, not just for her benefit but also to enhance your leadership skills and broaden your entrepreneurial perspective.

Engage in purposeful networking, connecting not only with an aspiring entrepreneur but with a community of like-minded individuals passionate about leadership.

Elevate your career and home life simultaneously by guiding a nanny who is committed to advancing her professional journey. This package empowers you to give: 

Tailored for accomplished women seeking to mentor and elevate a professional career.

Career Advancement


Share your professional insights and guide a nanny on her career path, contributing to her growth while advancing your leadership skills.

Connect with a nanny who shares your career aspirations, creating a partnership that's mutually beneficial both at work and on the home front.

Experience both personal and professional growth, contributing to the development of an aspiring professional while meeting your own needs.

Immerse yourself in a mentoring journey, nurturing both personal and professional aspects. This package allows you to:

Focusing on the holistic growth of accomplished women through mentoring.

Holistic Development:

FOR THE holistic MAMA

Extend mentorship beyond the professional realm, guiding a nanny not just in her career but in crucial life skills, creating a more well-rounded partnership.

Explore personal development together, enhancing not only your professional life but also enriching your overall well-being.

Connect with a nanny who is aligned with your ethos, fostering a partnership built on shared goals and dreams, meeting your needs personally and professionally.




It all begins with a complimentary Discovery Call. This is our chance to get to know each other. We'll discuss your goals, challenges, and aspirations. I want to hear about your unique journey, both as a mother and an entrepreneur.


Personalized Consultation

If we decide that we're a great fit, we move on to a personalized consultation. This is where we dive deep into your specific needs and desires. Whether you're looking for the perfect mentor or seeking a trusted nanny, we'll outline the details to tailor our services to your exact requirements.


Customized Package Selection

Based on our consultation, I'll recommend one of our empowering packages that aligns with your goals and budget. We have options to suit every mama, from those starting out on their entrepreneurial journey to seasoned business moguls seeking to make a greater impact.


Client-Nanny /Mentee Matching

Our proprietary matching process begins. We carefully consider your values, aspirations, and lifestyle to connect you with a mentee/nanny who's not only qualified but shares your vision.


Strategy Sessions and Support

Once your package is selected, we kick off our one-on-one strategy sessions. These sessions are personalized to address your specific challenges and accelerate your journey. You're not just getting a service; you're gaining a partner committed to your success.



As a Workflow Mamas client, you gain access to our exclusive online community. This is your space to connect with other like-minded mamas, share insights, and receive ongoing support. It's a virtual village designed to uplift and inspire.

We Have The Answers You're Looking For

What makes Workflow Mamas different from other nanny services?

What makes Workflow Mamas different from other nanny services?

Workflow Mamas is not just a nanny service; it's a platform that creates partnerships. We match you with a nanny/mentee based on shared values, career aspirations, and personal preferences, fostering a meaningful and mutually beneficial relationship.

How does the matching process work?

How does the matching process work?

Our matching process is comprehensive and personalized. We take into account not only professional backgrounds but also shared values and aspirations, ensuring a harmonious and fruitful partnership.

Can I choose the type of mentorship I want to provide?

Can I choose the type of mentorship I want to provide?

Absolutely. We offer packages tailored to your preferences. Whether you want to guide an aspiring entrepreneur, contribute to career advancement, or focus on holistic development, there's a package designed for you.

What kind of support do I receive in my role as a mentor?

What kind of support do I receive in my role as a mentor?

As a mentor, you receive guidance on fostering a positive partnership, access to resources for effective mentoring, and ongoing support from Workflow Mamas to ensure a smooth and rewarding experience.

How is confidentiality maintained in the mentorship process?

How is confidentiality maintained in the mentorship process?

We prioritize confidentiality. All personal and professional details are handled with utmost care, and our matching process ensures compatibility while respecting privacy.

What if the partnership doesn't work out as expected?

What if the partnership doesn't work out as expected?

We understand that not every partnership is perfect. In the rare event that things don't work out, we offer support and guidance to address challenges. Additionally, we can explore new matches to ensure you find the right fit.

How do I balance my professional and personal life while mentoring?

How do I balance my professional and personal life while mentoring?

Workflow Mamas is designed to enhance your life rather than add stress. We encourage open communication with your nanny/mentee to establish boundaries, and our holistic development package includes support for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Can I meet potential nannies/mentees before making a commitment?

Can I meet potential nannies/mentees before making a commitment?

Yes, we facilitate a meeting or consultation process to ensure compatibility before making a commitment. We want you to feel confident and excited about the partnership.

Is there ongoing support for both mentors and mentees?

Is there ongoing support for both mentors and mentees?

Absolutely. Workflow Mamas provides ongoing support, resources, and community engagement to foster a thriving network of mentors and mentees.

How is pricing structured, and what is included in each package?

How is pricing structured, and what is included in each package?

Our pricing is transparent and structured based on the level of engagement. Each package includes specific features, such as tailored matching, ongoing support, and access to exclusive resources.